The second day of November

Hey guys! It's the second day of November and it's Saturday. Isn't it great it's Saturday? Too bad the weeks are so long but the weekends are so short. So you might want to know about my week? Do you? Well, this week was long. I might want to do separate blog post on everything depending on if I have time. First of all, I was sick this whole week! Ugh! I think I got sick during ice-skating last Friday because I woke up last Saturday, my throat feeling all weird. I wanted to stay home because I just didn't have the energy to go to school. I felt all horrible and weak but eventually it became Friday and I got a lot more relieved. Now, I guess I could say I'm feeling better but I'm still sick. I'm sad I couldn't be near my little niece this week because of the fact that I was sick. I don't know how old my niece is now but she was born this year towards the end of September. I need to get off my phone seriously! Hey, do you guys have a favorite song that you listen to while you're in the car or something? Lately, I've been listening to, "The a Team" by Ed Sheeran every time I'm on the train. I don't know why it's almost like I could relate to the lyrics of the song. Also every time I'm on the train I love looking out. One more thing daylight savings time ends this Sunday at 2 A.M. Don't forget to set your clocks one hour back! I also want to share this beautiful sunset picture I took yesterday. The sky was just so gorgeous! And yesterday around 5 P.M.,the weather felt so good. When I went out to my balcony, I felt a cool breeze. The scenery was just amazing! So much fall colors! 

The sunset no filter 


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