Night at the park
The leaves are falling, the wind is blowing, and the flag is moving. I am seriously so tired! I really just want to go home and sleep. I've been so busy lately. People are always busy. Just 4 friends at the park at night. One sitting on the bench all by herself, writing her thoughts. The three other girls are on the swings talking about high school. I just want freshman year to pass by already. Why do I always feel like such an outcast? I'm the third wheel, the core of the apple, and usually the forgotten one. The weather is just so perfect though. There's a nice soft breeze. So many leaves scattered all on the ground. I'm listening to sad songs. Oh, how it feels to be so lonely like you're the only one in the world who feels that way. I'm tied together with a smile </3. That song is by Taylor Swift. It's one of her old songs but I still love it. It feels so scary to be at the park late at night. This kind of feels like an Alice story. If you've never read the Alice series you'll probably not understand what I'm talking about. Great, my phone is about to die there is only 3% battery left. My energy is dying, my head is throbbing, and my body is cold. Just the feeling of it, it's not a good feeling. Not wanting to be somewhere anymore. And waiting for someone to go.
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