50 facts about me

So I thought you guys should know more about me. So I said to myself, "Why not do the 50 facts about me?" A lot of people have been doing this and I thought it would be cool to do this so you guys can get to know me a little better.

1. My name is Lisa

2. I am 14 years old 

3. I am currently a freshman in high school 

4. My birthday is on February 19th 

5. I love to write 

6. I'm 5'0 

7. I really want to dye my whole head purple

8. I had purple highlights during the summer but now they're hot pink

9. I also have blue highlights in my hair that are unnoticeable

10.I hate cleaning my room 

11. My favorite show is ''The Voice'' 

12. I love fruit punch and Hawaiian punch 

13. I am really insecure 

14. I speak 3 languages fluently 

15. I want to travel the world someday 

16. Winter is my favorite season 

17. I'm Chinese

18. I love shopping

19. I have straight hair

20. I wish I could speak French

21. I really want to go to Paris one day

22. I can't braid that good

23. I love photography

24. My favorite dressing is Thousand Island Dressing

25. I can never do my nails but surprisingly I did them good this time

26. English is my favorite subject in school

27. I have small feet

28. I also have small hands

29. I write in cursive 

30. I use to be addicted to the app ''StarMaker'' 

31. I hate doing laundry

32. I am obsessed with skulls 

33. I never go to the beach 

34. My favorite perfume scent right now is sugared vanilla bean

35. I love the scent winter candy apple from Bath & Body Works 

36. I want to be a youtuber 

37. I have so many sweaters 

38. My iPhone screen is still badly cracked

39. My favorite colors are sky blue and black 

40. I love peppermint marshmallows 

41. I want to get a summer job this year 

42. I am bad at math 

43. I hate stereotypes and racism 

44. I use to love Taylor Swift 

45. I can't curl my hair good 

46. I have such short eyelashes 

47. I got really into drawing this year 

48. I love salads

49. I love Target

50. I have two sisters 

So that's about it guys. I don't know if this was actually that interesting. It took me super long to think of these 50 facts about me though! 


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