2013 Events

Wow! In 9 days it's going to be 2014!!! That's insane because time passes by so fast. The clock is ticking..... So I like lists and I've decided to make a list of events that occurred in the year 2013. These events are not in order and of course I'm not going to list everything. 


                      (Accomplishments, memories, misfortunes and more...)

  • Me and my friends made a movie for English. I'm pretty sure we didn't finish it till January 2013. It took so much time and effort!

  • I met Andy in the summer. We talked for the rest of the summer until he had to go back to school. 

  • I dressed up as bloody Mary for Halloween this year. And it sure did get a lot of stares. I scared many people walking down the street. 

  • I was disgusted seeing Giovanna Plowman's tampon video.

  • I got an iPhone on my birthday.

  • I walked the Great Wall of China in July.

  • I traveled to a whole bunch of different places in the summertime. 

  • I visited a tea village in August.

  •  My sister got married in May.

  • I dyed my hair for the first time.

  • I graduated 8th grade in June.

  •  There was a time this year in 9th grade when I was feeling super down. Kids at school were bothering me.

  • I told someone at school what was happening to me.

  • I got lost at places many times in 2013.

That's all I could think of for now. I might be doing more posts like this just reflecting back on the year 2013. I hope you guys are enjoying the holidays! It's a great time of the year! :)


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