What a day!

Brrrr!! So cold today! Winter is really forth-coming. Today I went ice-skating for the first time. What a day! I got out of school early because there was parent teacher conference in the afternoon. Afterwards, I took the train and waited for my friend. I actually ended up going to McDonald's to get some fries and a McChicken. And then I walked home because my friend still hadn't come yet. I was so impatient. Judy is my best friend she's weird and such a fun person. Later, I walked out to go ice-skating with Judy and a few other people. I didn't know two of the people there but it was nice to meet them. Going to the place took a long time because of the fact that one of my friends led us the wrong way. We went into a weird place it seemed kind of musty in a way. It was a workplace with trucks and people. We looked for a way out. And then we saw overhead was a river. Wow! Dead end. So we turned back where we started and walked another way. This time it was a different person leading the way. It was hectic and I was feeling a little left out at times. Only at times though. And I knew it was going to be that way before I came. Loud screaming and so much weirdness. Sometimes a girl just wants a little peace but she can't get that. Finally, with 30 minutes of loudness, we got to the place. We rented shoes and put them on. It was pretty fun. I was a little scared when I first went in so I stood on the side holding onto the wall. The final time I went into the ice rink I got the hang of it and it was nice. I liked how my friend was giving me encouragement and all it really pushed me. Me and Judy were standing there arms out. One of my friends went and gave me a hug. Bad idea! He was worse than me at skating and couldn't keep his balance. Bam! Next thing I know I am on the ice with tears glistening in my eyes. It all happened so fast in a blink of an eye. He fell on top of me and of course for him there was no pain at all. I had fallen on my side and my head banged really hard on the ice. My waist was in pain too but the main issue was my head. It's so hard to describe pain. All I can say is what a day! I went out to the lockers and took a seat. I iced the part of my head that just got hurt. The person that fell on me kept coming over apologizing. Some of you may ask, ''Why didn't you just move away?'' I move pretty slow on ice so I don't think it would have help. It all just happened too fast I have a slow reaction time too. So much happened today. Afterwards, we just hanged out. I also saw some old classmates.And then I had dinner with Judy and her family. Great way to end the night. It was quite awkward but I appreciated the kindness. I definitely want to go ice-skating again.


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